On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:04:54 -0700 (PDT), Mr Ian Primus
I'm not
sure if it's the same on the
Apple II as it is the Apple IIe, but a shorted cap on the
mainboard near the PSU connector caused one of my IIe's to
appear dead (apart from ticking noises in the PSU).
Probably not. The II/II+ does
not have the tantalum capacitors that the
does. My money is on a chip that's plugged in
backwards, or a shorted RAM
I'm becoming more hopeful that yanking all the RAM will resolve the short.
From that point on, it's not a tricky process,
I'm quite experienced at
identifying bad 4116s. Step #1, tonight I hope!
I'll leave the first 16k
bank in place and pull banks 2 and 3. It should start fine with just 16k.
If it still does the same, will pull bank 1 as well and see if the PSU
starts up at least. If so, I'll put the contents of old bank 1 aside and
populate it with ICs from 2 and 3 (or perhaps known-good ICs from another
//+ - more sensible, I don't know if the memory in banks 2 and 3 is any
good either).