With all this talk of Amigas, it feels like old home week for me.
I was wondering if anyone on the list has any information about the
Lucas/Frances boards for the A1000. As I recall, Lucas/Frances was a
combination 68020 accelerator, RAM expansion, and SCSI controller for the
Amiga 1000. It was a pseudo open-source collaboration between several Amiga
hackers, based, I believe, in Toronto. The product was sold in kit form,
because it radiated radio frequencies in a way the CRTC would not have
approved of. By building it yourself, you took on responsibility for
becoming a broadcaster, rather than the kit's producer.
The kit was very popular in the 1986-88 time frame in Ontario, but there
doesn't seem to be much information surviving on the Web or Aminet about
Does anyone remember this project, have one, or know anyone who was
I'd like to research the history of it more thoroughly. Any help