BA11-S (11/23) DEC/PDP logo in a either a darkgrey or VT100 brown
background and DEC bricks and PDP font in white:
On Sep 3 2004, 1:07, Wai-Sun Chia wrote: BA11-N (11/03L) was resprayed evidently
as there are paint
oversprays to the control panel area (the toggle switches), but I
know that the BA11-N front was actually in a
single plain color..
I know that the BA11-M (11/03) has a nice DEC/PDP logo with color,
the BA11-S (11/23) also, so I assumed that the
BA11-N has too..
Well, that's odd, because none of the ones I've ever seen are anything
but grey! Mine are all plain grey, no colour, as are the three I've
sold or given away in the last five years. All the ones I used to
service when I worked for a TPM company were plain grey too.