Hey is anybody running INN, especially under Solaris 10?
I am using leafnode under Linux and I'm mostly happy with it but I'm
thinking about moving this service off my desktop and running it on a
server, probably under Solaris 10. I figured while I am at it maybe I
should consider INN because of the option of using a different spool
format that is supposed to increase performance significantly. Recovering
or moving my news spool which is not that big at around 4G takes forever
(not that I do it a lot, but I have done it and it's a pain) and now the
startup each time a client connects takes a while. I think I'm outgrowing
I'm curious how much work it takes to administer INN for a small network to
know if it's worth it or just overkill. Specifically, I want to be able to
only host groups I want (about 500) including local-only groups rather
than doing a complete usenet grab, and I would like to be able to support
SSL connections directly. I use stunnel now on Linux but I've had some
problems with it on Solaris 10, so if INN supports it directly that would
be a plus.
If anybody has any comments or suggestions I would appreciate it. Thanks.
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