In the early 8088/86 days, manufacturers like DEC, HP, TI and Zenith
thought they could compete with IBM by being "better" in some way.
Zenith had 640x400 graphics and did the Tandy 2000. The TI had great
graphics. HP, with 3.5" floppy drives, didn't even try to be really try
to be compabible - but it ran MS DOS! HP was not even consistent within
their own model lines! The HP Portable Plus would not always run
programs written for (or ported to) the HP150.
When I first became interested in collecting (late 80's) my first target
was "DOS Incompatibles" like those named above. I had a Wang PC (great
text but little IBM compatibility), Zenith, etc.
In the early-mid 80's a program was "well behaved" if it did it's I/O
thru DOS calls. Those programs would run on just about anything. dBase
II (a port from CP/M) would run on most DOS machines of the time without
modification. Mitch Kapor ended that with the release of 1-2-3 and new
programs like dBase 3 were IBM PC-specific. A few manufacturers (like
HP) paid Lotus to port 1-2-3 to their machine to lure customers but that
was a loosing game.
So to the original question -- the three requirements will limit the
program to "true compatibles", meaning a hardware clone. The most
incompatible MS-DOS machine ever, the Seattle Gazelle, uses a serial
terminal so the only "sound" available would be the terminal bell.
Chris M wrote:
the Vic9K was the weirdest of the lot. Probably
followed by the DEC Rainbow. They're all severely
weird in their own right. For instance take the Tandy
2000. It was *pretty* compatible at both the DOS and
BIOS levels, but a friend couldn't even get a BASIC
program that taught morse code to work (it was written
for a real peecee). He tried to enlist my help to
tweak it, but we never got around to it.
Many of these things were compatible at the DOS
level, but most I think weren't even at the BIOS
level. Like the NEC APC III (probably the APC too). I
wouldn't worry about the psuedo-compatibles. Too much
work *snifful*
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