Thought I'd post this here before sending it out to the world/eBay, I
know there are a few Amiga acolytes here :).
I have a "Rejuvenator," an expansion for the original A1000, and one of
very few serious upgrades for the system. You can read more about it here:
My understanding is that these are pretty rare. It's currently
installed (and operational) in a rather beat up looking A1000 system (no
KB, Mouse, or monitor). Since installation is quite tricky (there are
approximately a million pins that need to connect to various places on
the A1000's motherboard, along with a few clips that attach in various
places) I'd prefer to include the A1000 with the Rejuvenator, since I
don't want to be responsible for detaching it :). No extra charge :).
I can post pictures if anyone's interested, please feel free to ask if
you have any specific questions.
I've really got no idea what these are worth, feel free to make me an
offer I can't refuse.