Anybody know how large the BASIC is on the Tandy
Pocket Computer series?
I heard 4K.
Well, no two of them are alike, so there's not a simple answer.
The PC1 through PC3 (and maybe some other models) were made by Sharp,
and are equivalent to the Sharp PC1211, PC1500, and PC1261, IIRC.
The PC1 used two four-bit single-chip micros, so there's no way to tell.
The PC2 used a Sharp LH5801 eight-bit micro, and definitely had more than
4K of ROM. I think it has 16K, but I'm not completely certain.
Many of the later ones were made by Casio.
Remember that by 1982 or so, masked ROM was fairly cheap, so there was little
reason for them to try to keep it under 4K or even 8K. Instead they were
competing on features.