But having a shift key doesn't mean the
keyboard will send lower-case
letters. The shift key might be used only to get things like the
symbols over the digit keys, and letter keys may be sent in upper
case whether the shift key is pressed or not.
Mmm, true. But then, many - probably most - keyboards don't send
letters at all; they send scancodes of some sort. As far back as early
I would dispote the 'most'
The keyboards I have here fall into 3 main cetegories
1) A simple matrix of switches to be scanned by the main processor
(common on home micros). This matrix _may_ be laid out so that the
row/column number ofa key is related in some simple way to the character
code, BTW.
2) Keyboards that are hardware encoded to output the final character
codes (normally ASCII).
3) KEyboards that are hardware encoded to send a keycode that has little
relationship to the character code.
In general, if you have versions of (3) fro different (human) languages,
a given key postion will send the same keycode, no matter what appears on
the keycap..
Suns, at least, and probably farther, keyboards were
sending small
integer keycodes bearing no particular relationship to the values of
the key-top characters in any character set, even if you consider just
the character-generating keys.
And of course there are things like electromech teletypes where the
boundaries between the keyboard and the rest of the device are not
nearly as well-defined as they are with a peecee - or a Sun-3 or a
VT-100, which for these (very restricted) purposes are the same as a
No wait a second. Does it actually matter for the purposes of this
discussion what the actual communcation is between a VT100 and its
keyboard? Assuming you're not going to modify the VT100's firmware (if
you're allowing modificatations then _anything_ is possible ;-)), a VT100
sends a particular code out of its serial port when you press a key
(subject othe modifier keys, SHIFT, etc). The fact that (IIRC) the
keyboard sends a keycode over the seiral interface to the VT100
mainboard, and it's turned into ASCII by the firmware doesn't make any
diffference IMHO as to whether, for example, this keyboard can be
considered to be an upper-case only one or an upper/lower case one.
modern peecee. (Does a purely mechanical typewriter -
remember them? -
Rememebr them? I use one...
have a keyboard that sends letters? Or does it
"send" an index value
into the (mechanically stored) array of glyphs in the printing part of
Well, for the typewriter I have, each key/type hammer is an independant
mechanism. Pressing a key activates the type hammer it's linked to. No
encoding/decoding at all.
the mechanism? Is it fair to consider that index an
encoded letter?
Some interesting philosophical questions lurking.)