Rumor has it that Jules Richardson may have mentioned these words:
The real
questions should be:
What speed does an 8 foot disk rotate at?
How big is the drive?
What is the power requirements for the spindle motor?
What is the capacity?
Were there any 8 foot hard sectored disks and how many sectors?
Were track density measured in TPI or TPF?
How much does a box of ten disks cost?
Is there an S100 interface?
Oooh, another potential stupid project :-) (I was wondering the other
week whether a reliable digital network could be made between two
machines out of a couple of paper cups and a piece of string ;)
I thought it had been done... IIRC there was a router that could be clocked
down to durned near DC, and someone did just that with a pair of 'em...
I'm gonna tick off Sellam, tho, and not google for it. ;-)
[[ Also IIRC, there might be a reference to it somewhere in the archives --
somewhere in my feeble memory I thought that came up once before... ]]
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at
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