Ah yes, that
stupid quincuncial DIN plug. Fits both ways up, only 1
Just do what I did and solder a db9 onto the pads with flying leads. :D
You mean a DE9, but anyway...
No.. DB.. because that's all I had
around :D
I have never seen a DB9. That would imply a B-size shell (same as the 25
pin D connector ) with 9 pins. (Yes, OK, several of us have used that
term to refer to a DB25 with only the normal RS232 pins fited (1-8 and
20), but that's not official.
I agree however I didnt gcut a hole in the case
(it's only a BBC B+ but hey
i'm not a cut n shut merchant :D) I just have it on a flying lead coming out
the beck ventilation slot :D
There;s no helpful slot on the ACW :-)