> A few years ago I had an insert printed out at a
local Fast Signs store. I scanned an
> original that was beat up and created some artwork
for the PDP-8e, PDP-11, and a
> DECSystem10 one (The first 2 were made from actual H960 rack banners. The last
> one was a whimsical one I created for fun.) I am not at home right now, but I can
> to see if I can dig up the art work. I don't have one online of my PDP-8e one,
but here
> are the other ones:
I wonder if a sign shop over here could make one from
the artwork. It
would be worth
asking, although I guess it would be one some kind of plastic
substrate not the original
They did it for me in plastic. It was the same thickness as the aluminum. As others have
said, the aluminum is extremely hard to remove from the header. Once it is in the header,
you can't tell if it is plastic or aluminum.