[...] when basically responding to one issue, top
posting is
Only if you don't care about people following what you're saying.
Top posting does NOT foul up the order people normally
read text
It certainly does for me. I normally read top-down. To make sense out
of a top-posted response, I have to either recognize the thread from
the first few lines and remember enough context to figure out what it's
in reply to (I can do this, sometimes, not reliably), or I have to read
a few lines, page forward, try to figure out what they're responding
to, page back, read until it no longer makes sense, page forward, try
to figure out what's being responded to now, page back, etc.
Far more often I simply trash top-posted replies as soon as I realize
that's what they are. Anyone who can't be bothered to take the minimal
effort to make the message comprehensible either isn't all that
concerned about its being read anyway, or arrogant enough to think
their time is worth more than mine; either way I see no reason to read.
I get far more annoyed at:
1) long posts with one liners inserted someplace.
2) not trimming out parts of a message not being responded to.
3) not changing the subject line to reflect the content.
4) not putting a space between the portion of the message being
responded to, and the comments.
I wouldn't quite say I agree with you; while those annoy me too, they
don't annoy me "far more" than top-posting - and in my experience (2)
correlates almost perfectly with top-posting anyway.
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