Golan Klinger wrote:
Seth Morabito wrote:
The trick with the C64 is that it
requires both 9V AC and +5V DC. (I've considered frankensteining
together 9V AC and +5V DC wall-wart adapters onto the same DIN-7
cable, but it just feels so very very wrong).
Like this:
The power supply in that photo caused quite a stir in the C= community
earlier this year. You can read more about the sordid affair here:
The consensus was that going the wall-wart route isn't wise.
As one of the electrical engineers that commented on the issues with
that "supply", I want to point out that the idea isn't so horrid. Wall
warts, if you can find suitably rated ones, can rise to the challenge.
My main issue was that:
I didn;t think the warts were suitably powered for the load. It's
impossible to tell from the pics, but the failure of the unit seems to
vindicate me.
I mentioned wall-warts were only UL rated if they are used outside an
enclosure. Putting them in a box made me cringe.
Selling a unit built in this way without disclosing the implementation
was inexcusable, in my opinion.
But, if you're trying to preserve your machine, this would probably not
be my first choice. I just wanted to point out that you might see me
use wallwarts at some point in this fashion, but I doubt I'd sell such a
unit, and I know I'd not mount in a box.
Jim Brain, Brain Innovations (X)
brain at
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!