so .... do the 3 macines go in the scrap pile ?
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 6:54 AM, Toby Thain via cctalk <
cctalk at> wrote:
On 2018-03-14 6:55 AM, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
On 14 March 2018 at 11:06, Adrian Graham via
<cctalk at> wrote:
I'm in the process of giving
some of them away though because they take up too much room.
The OpenBSD project are, or were, looking for donations of high-end
VAXstations. I offered them a VAXstation 4000/60 (Red Hat offered to
sponsor shipping from London to Canada) but after some
toing-and-froing, Theo DeRaadt turned it down.
OpenBSD can't support VAX-11 any longer, unless somebody implements TLS
for that architecture (which I believe would need major toolchain work?)
That would explain why they no longer want VAX-11 hardware.
Unfortunately, I believe RH has now lost my machine. :-(
But if anyone is willing to donate a /90 or similar, he might be