At 10:22 AM 12/31/2008, Dave McGuire wrote:
On Dec 30, 2008, at 6:14 PM, Philip Pemberton
That said, Widlarization is a great way to deal
with parts like
that. :)
YAY!! Someone else knows of Widlarization! I sure wish I
could've met him.
"We still have a sign around our lab, "This is not a black-smith shop."
there were times when Bob would discover he had wasted a day or two, just
because one bad part had screwed up his circuit. He would bring this bad
part -- a capacitor, a pot, a transistor, an IC, or whatever -- over to
the vise and lay it on the anvil part. Then he would calmly, methodically
beat it with a hammer until the smallest remaining part was indistinguishable
from the dust on the floor. Then he would go back to work and get the right
answer. He explained that it makes you feel much better if you do this, and,
you know that bad part will never come around again and goof you up. He was
right. And I recommend that you join me in doing this "Widlarizing" when a
bad component fools you. You will feel a lot better."
Woohooo! There's a *name* for that!
When I worked for Broken Feather Silver (Lubbock, TX, defunct), we
kept an old anvil and an unfinished 2lb hammer for fixing unfixable
projects, as well as one wall that we kept drywalled, but not
taped-and-bedded. When you ruin a piece you've spent hours on, beating
it to smithereens not only helps your feelings, but it helps ensure that
the next effort doesn't end up on "The Final Solution".
The raw wall was an interim measure. There were usually a few files
and a hammer or two hanging out of it. :)