"Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinedp3k at compsys.to> skrev:
Rod Smallwood
>Now that makes a lot more sense.
>So PMI memory choice is: (2 Max)
>MSV11-JD M8637-D 1 MB ECC PDP-11/84 or PDP-11/83
>MSV11-JE M8637-E 2 MB ECC PDP-11/84 or PDP-11/83
Jerome Fine replies:
I am not absolutely positive, BUT the probability is VERY
high that the above two PMI memory boards are ONLY for the
Qbus. I believe that you must use either the MSV11-JB or
the MSV11-JC within the PDP-11/84 system.
Good catch! I didn't think of that one. Yes, you're right. In fact the
-JD and -JE don't even claim to be PMI memory, but just plain Q-bus
memory (according to the field guide). That's definitely not useful. You
need the -JB or -JC.
It is probably confusing, but the CPU is the KDJ11-BF
is used in BOTH the PDP-11/83 (which I have and the memory
used is the MSV11-JD or the MSV11-JE) and the PDP-11/84
which you have. If you can find a KDJ11-BF along with two
MSV11-JC PMI memory boards, the cost will likely be much
less than a PDP-11/94 CPU.
That is probably correct as well. The 11/9x cpu boards are scarce and
expensive. The 11/8x cpu boards are more common and reasonably priced.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol