der Mouse wrote:
I can't
think where you could buy a CD press since it is all
controled by the BIG music industy.
All? Consider all the people pressing data
I consider it more like people zapping a CD that is good only for
a few days... until the NEXT crash or version of windows, and your
data is not supported anymore. :(
Also does anybody have the orginal MMI PAL data books?
I belive I can still get pals cheap from BGmicro ( PAL16R8ACN MMI)
for $5.60 for a tube of 20 so I might like to do whole cpmputer with them.
For that I need the orginal hardware programing information. I
belive they need they look like 512x8 FUSE ROM for programing but
with out the orginal data sheets I have no way of finding out.
I simple fuse rom programmer hope to be able to build here.
PS. I also found the the Fortran code for the PALASM and some DOS
software but the databooks don't seem to be on the web.
While my design is not that important, I don't see the databooks
under bitsavers and that may be important to somebody else.