Richard wrote:
In article
<7d3530220802261841n8228c36o2b48a9708cf0889d at>,
"John Floren" <slawmaster at> writes:
Billy Pettit looked at a Justowriter a friend had, which is a variant
of the Flexowriter, and for the specimen we had him look at, he noted
that there are quite a number of belts to go bad, and in the case of the
one that he looked at, most of the belts were bad.
Even if your unit is working, I suspect it might not take much demoing,
since that is what you want to put it to.
I'd certainly display the unit, but if you want to hook something
working up, I'd suggest an ASR33. The spares are more plentiful, and
there is less to wear out on one that is in good condition.
Also the I/O aspect of your Flexowriter makes it more useful to people
who need them for original equipment as well. I don't know if the I/O
interface is documented, or if you propose to just automate one which is
not already automated, but if you do have one with an interface, the
heritage and particulars, and if you would be so kind, documentation on
the interfaces would be good to have in circulation.