Subject: OT: Outlook 2000 woes & this list
From: "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk at>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 14:54:33 +0100
To: "xx_classiccmp" <cctalk at>
OK OK pretty OT even for me, but I figure some of you others must have
wrestled with this abortion of a MUA and this list so have overcome the same
problem I have right now...
(I'm currently over in sunny MN on the laptop, otherwise I'd be snug at home
with a decent OS and mail client :)
All classiccmp messages appear in the message list with the correct sender
name (or sender email address if the author's MUA didn't send a
name along with the address). That much is fine. However in Outlook's
preview pane the From: address always appears as
'cctalk-bounces at' rather than the sender (no other MUA I've
ever used with this list has ever done that!)
If I double-click on a list message to open in its own window, then I get
something different yet again - in the From: field something like:
"cctalk-bounces at; on behalf of; Jules Richardson
[julesrichardsonuk at]"
Real simple go into your address book and find the "cctalk-bounces at"
entry and delete it. Somehow you associated that with a CCTALK.
Solution two: install Thunderbird, works better, more virus resistant and NOT
from mickyspooge.
Solution three: Popcorn, A really minimal text only emailer that is very tiny
and fast (even on a P90!). Very handy for reading headers then deleting
those not wanted off the server without downloading the content.
I use solution Two and Three. On my NT4 box I have fully removed
Outlookexpress(OE) and InternetExplorer (use Firefox and OFFBYone instead).
A side effect was no more Blue Screens of death while reading the mail.