Robert F. Schaefer wrote:
felony-to-take-it-outta-the-donation-bin laws,
I'd never take something out of the donation bin..... That would be
stealing it since the original owner was giving it to the charity.
and I've a hunch they'd apply
it to the dumpsters too.
on the other hand.... out of the dumpster is okay since it isn't wanted
by the original owner or the charity. It also keeps stuff out of landfills.
The city has also started enforcing the
it's-litter-if-it-ain't-in-the-bin laws,
it'll be interesting to see what
happens the first time they bust someone for taking something from outside
the bin.
We don't actually have bins anymore around here, that I know of......
people kept setting them on fire!! I do see things stacked outside of
the Goodwill store, under the canopy, However.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA