-------------Original message:
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:30:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Griffith <dgriffi at cs.csubak.edu>
Subject: seeking ms/pc dos 1.x
To: cctalk at
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.55.0710101428510.14275 at helios.cs.csubak.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Can someone point me to somewhere I can find bootable disk images for
MS/PC DOS 1.x? I found
vetusware.com, but the quality is spotty and
frequently uses obscure compression programs.
David Griffith
dgriffi at
If you have no luck elsewhere, drop me a line off-list & I'll try to dig one
out for ya (if I can find it and it's still readable).