I have a couple of old Eico integrated mono tube amps and they
have a dials for the level as well as the loudness. They also included
on the device-selector positions for the manufacturing type of
recording. e.g. Colunbia, London, RIAA, Am78, and Eur78. And it
came in a kit like Dynaco and Heathkit. Now that was a degree of
quality concern sadly lacking in any but extremely high end
equipment nowadays.
The huge transformers with all the copper wire has also become
cost ineffective. The control pots are all wire-wound ones.
I used them for years using a small front end for control. I've got the
original FM tuner that came out just before the Crossley FM specs
and the separate tube multiplexor needed for stereo reception. Great
sound. My kids blew out a couple of pairs of good speakers, both at
times when my wife and I weren't present. The sound could be heard
for blocks around. I, and also the neighbors, were considerably
pissed off.
They need a general refubishing with caps and wire-wound pots if still
available as they've gotten scratchy. Fortunately I have the Sams
schematics. Another item in my to-do Queue. Sighhh.
Most later amps coupled the level control with the volume and/or had
the loudness switch.
Having picked up a old dynaco SCA-35 amp, I noticed it
has a loudness
switch. This boosts base and treble with your volume levels. The catch
is it requires a special 4 lead pot that nobody seems to make nowdays.
This may keep most bass at a resonable level if you impliment a loudness
control. Since I live in a apartment I can't have earth shaking bass, so
I am not worried about it.