I haev no idea what the Option 290 is either. In fact
I don't even know
what I have -- I know it's a 9845B with the high-speed language
processor, 2 tape drives, intenral printer, 1 256K word RAM board (and
the usual 2 RO</RAM boards), and a 98780 enhanced mono monitor.
Then you probably got what is called "option 270" with something like
total of 318 kbytes plus 512 kbytes memory extension. If you're
interested, I think you can check in one of the 9845 specification
brochures from
Internally your machine should be completely identical to mine, except
one or two ROMs which are special for the color monitor, even the RAM
expansion probably is the same (98407A).
What I'm really interested in: The model 200 versions have a new power
supply unit, no voltage check points any more, but a 4 LED indicator
(and twice the number of electrolytic capacitors inside). Those LEDs
flash in a special pattern sequence during power-up, and then stay all
on (I actually don't know whether this indicates success or failure).
The power supply unit in the monitor has a similar LED indicator, after
finishing power-up, only the rightmost LED is on, which indicates
success (at least that's what the manual says). How is it in your system?
Alas pictures do not repsond to continuity testers and
logic analysers :-)
Not that easy, d'accor.