Until them, I'll play with the other sort of cat
(you know, the combined
mousetrap, bed warmer and alarm clock).
Frankly I can't wait to get my hands on the _other_
Canon - an AS100. Yes I know, just a peecee, but
actually loads rarer then the Cat, albeit not as
valuable. One actually did turn up on eBay recently,
but I get those alerts sent to another account which I
don't check w/any regularity. I suppose I have to call
the guy up an drive all the way to Lake George (uh
~300 miles) to appropriate the one he promised me. Oi.
The only way I'll part with my Cat though is via the
auction block. It's just worth too much to trade or
what have you. Sorry.
Yes yes indeed. You chided me for owning something
for more then 20 minutes and not cracking the lid.
Some rebukes are too much to bear...
LOL at alarm clock. They'll wake me up alright, but at
entirely random intervals. And none tend to sleep on
my bed anymore, because I toss and turn too much, and
being that it interferes with THEIR rest, they'll just
have none of it.
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