On Monday, November 17, 2003, at 07:57 AM, Joe wrote:
At 10:34 AM 11/17/03 +0100, Jochen wrote:
On 2003.11.17 04:18 Ron Hudson wrote:
but how many of us like pocket sized machines?
HP 41C?
I spend a lot of money to by the then current HP48SX when I was in
school. An expense that I never will regret. Some time ago I got a
HP41CV with card reader, printer and TV modulator. What a wonderful
machine. I love it. 20 years old, heavily used by the previous owner
still well working.
When I saw the HP49 for the first time I was shocked. A cheap plastic
thing with rubber keyboard that looks like a TV remote control.
You're right! It's too bad they didn't take the time to read the HP
Journal articles about the developement of the HP-35 (and others) that
explained how and why they spent a lot of time designing the
calculator and
it's keyboard for the best feel and usability. Apparently they still
Well that's another point at which they emulators fail, they don't have
nice HP keyboard.
hmm, I wonder if I could create a plastic face for my pilot
that held spring loaded keys that just poked the screen when I pressed
They still wouldn't be the same.
I just searched for "HP41 Wiki" on google, I found a later HP
calculator wiki
but for 41/71/75 class machines they refer to the hp museum.
haven't read them!