At a pinch, in place of fancy terminators, I've used 47R resistors, one end
poked into the center hole in the side of a T piece, the other end firmly
taped to the shell. They worked, probably not perfectly, but well enough
to prove a point to someone.
I've got a terminal server in a box somewhere ... rescued from a customer
site we took over some years ago. 16 port, and a decent and expensive make
I found at the time. It had about three serial printers attached to it,
and was being used as a print server... terrible waste..
I've got plans to use it to resurrect my BBC Micro based BBS and put it on
the internet... one day perhaps I'll have the space to set it up again.
BTW ... Anybody in the north-west UK need a technician with lots of
experience across the board? My Christmas present from my boss this year
was to not have a job to come back to.