Incidentally, in another thread you described the method of setting the
purite on a delta-gun CRT by using both ring magnets on the back of the
yoke and moving the yoke longtitudinally on the CRT neck.
It's been a long time since I did this, but yes, you're right, the Barco
manual I've been looking in describes just that procedure. And I think I
understand how it works
When the CRT is made, the shadowmask and phosphor postions determine the
'deflection centres' of each beam. In fact I've read somewhere that the
phosphor dots were created by coating the inside of the faceplate
unformly with a given colour of phosphor and a resist, putting the
shadowmask in place and then using a point sourcce of (UV?) light at the
appropriate defleciton centre position to cure the resist of thoat colour
phosphor dots (shining thogu hte shadowmask holes, of course), after
which the remaining unwanted phosphor was washed off.
Anyway, back to the purity adjustmets. Basically (and there is some
interaction), the rign magnets get the electron beams to pass through
those deflection centre ppints, moving the yoke gets the actual
deflecitons centres produced by that yoke to align with the ones used to
position the phosphors.