I was at a local scrapper talking about copper, and saw a a tek
565-RM. had 1/2 the slides, was stored indoors, and I didn't see it
last week when dropping off batteries, so it could be fresh from the U
of I. He wants $100 for it ( seems high to me) and it weights about
75#s. If anyone wants it, I can get it, and possibly box it. Shipping
would be expensive, unless you are close or someone in doing a road
trip. I can store it for a few months. . I also have a box up plug
in's for these, maybe 10-12. If anyone wants, I can did them out and
make up a list. I used to have a few 555's, but I do like the new
smaller units
Located close to Champaign, IL 61853
Thanks, Paul