>> I want to preserve the equipment and related
manuals, but I'm also not
ready to just make a gift.
One way to do this is a "Low-Ball Auction". I have participated in a few of
these and they are quite a blast. They are NOT a way to "really" make money,
and usually occur at charity events or within small groups (civic, etc.).
The way they work is an un-published price is set for each item along with a
closing time (since this are usually done at an "event", closing time is
often 1 hour before the end of the event).
Sealed bids are placed for the valid duration. NO information about the
number of bids placed or their amounts is released until the closing time.
When the auction closes, the winner is the person who has placed the LOWEST
bid that meets or exceeds the set price.
To increase the "exictement" the bids for each item are often read in
decending order down to the winner. It is quite fun to watch!
The "seller" gets (at least) their asking price, but the actual price is
determined by how much each interested party thinks the others think the
item is worth to them.
Don't know if this would work here on the list, but would be sure to be a
big hit at VCFEast!
Just an idea......