Dear all,
Looking for someone who can "rescue" and temporarily store a PDP-11.
It's about 30 miles west of O'Hare, apparently. I won this at auction;
the notification didn't arrive, and now that I'm traveling and can't do
anything about it, they want the beast out of their building yesterday.
The system was billed as a "TU80 tester", and consists of two standard
DEC waist-high cabinets; one contains several drives which look like
RL02s to my limited experience. (Also, the photo is small, from
the side, etc. -- hard to see well.) The second contains what looks
like a TU80 and perhaps another disk. There's one tall cabinet with
stuff I can't really see well enough to guess; presumably a CPU (+?).
There's also a line printer in the background, and a Decwriter.
Lined up as you'd install it, this is about 10' long; cabinets
are of course about 36" deep. The tall cabinet is about 72" high.
Presumably it weighs a metric crapload. :-)
I'm in Michigan, so it won't be too hard to eventually come rescue it.
Anyone able to rescue this pronto and hold onto it for maybe a month
or two?