That amount of SRAM is unusual for a single chip, only
one I know of is the Atmel AT91FR40162S has 256K RAM
(2Meg Flash) in a 10x10 mm package
ARM is a good choice for a modern embedded micro
--- Chuck Guzis <cclist at> wrote:
I know that this is sort of OT, but I also know that
several folks who do
embedded development lurk here.
I have a possible application for an embedded
controller with a fair amount
of RAM 128-256K and ideally, DMA capability.
Originally, I considered
something like an 80C188, but it seems that that's
yesterday's technology
and better alternatives exist.
Right now, the ARM controllers look pretty good.
Can anyone recommend a
favorite development board that can be used for
prototyping? I don't need
much program memory--128K is more than adequate, but
at least 128K of RAM
is very important.
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