But then is Pascal that bad?
Bad? Bad at what? bad *for* what?
Whenever I think of BASIC, and I don't think this
applies only to me, I
of a cosy 40-column TV screen on a micro with 64 k of
addressable memory.
Other languages just don't seem as cosy. Must be because of the environment.
If the eight-bitters had booted into Pascal, perhaps things would have
Most likely you're correct, but then I associate BASIC with a full compiler
that could generate 132-column headered listings complete with symbol table
and assembly language output for each statement.
Some 8-bitters *did* boot directly into Pascal... at least I never saw
a copy of UCSD Pascal that was anything other than language environment
*AND* operating system combined...
And as for booting directly into a language environment, any old FORTH
programmers here? At one time, I thought FORTH would rule the world.