I suspect many of use have this sort of problem, and I'd be interested in
hearing any solutions to it.
Moat classic computers have various little bits that go with them, in
particular cables and connector adaptors. In some cases these are
specific to one particular type of machine (e.g. the user prot adaptor
for the Acor Cabridge Workstation), others are rather more generic (the
same cassette lead fits all TRS-80 M1, M3, M4 and M100 machins, along
with the IBM 5150), and still others are totally generic (HPIB cables,
'kettle leads', etc).
I find storing thes parts, partircularly the 'somewhat generic' ones is a
problem, and I can never find what I need. You cna't categorise them by
machine (becase, for example, a TRS-80 M1 RS232 cable is specific to that
machine (it plugs into an esdge conenctor on the EI), the pritner cable
also fits the M3 and M4 machines, the cassette lead also fits the IBM
PC), you vcan;'t realy do it by function (a DBd25-DB25 lead could be used
for several purposes, not only RS232), and so on.
Any ideas? I am getting fed up with having to re-make a cable which I know I
made a couple years earlier, but for a different machine, and which I now
can't find.