On Thu, 2005-06-02 16:39:58 -0400, Paul Koning <pkoning at equallogic.com> wrote:
>>>> "Jan-Benedict" == Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw at
lug-owl.de> writes:
Jan-Benedict> Do we actually *have* the tools? We've
got tumble to
Jan-Benedict> assemble a PDF file, but do we have proper tools to
Jan-Benedict> disassemble one? ...and I really mean exporting the
Jan-Benedict> initial TIFF, not something that looks like it.
Ghostscript reads PDF files every bit as well as PS files, and it's
open source...
You didn't answer my question:-) Consider I prepare a TIFF file that
contains (with additional tags) eg. some raw OCRed text, not
read-checked. Now I preapre a PDF from this and use gs to get the image
back. Is my text still there? Or do I get an image that "looks" almost
the original, but doesn't contain my extra-data?
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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