I sent the following note to the two individuals who asked for copies.
Anybody else? Send me an eMail next week or tonight. (I won't have access
for the next five days. Which means I'll be behind by 1000+ messages. Some
stuff will be lost or ignored. I'll start at the top so if you send next
week, I'll definitely see it.)
I found my copy of the calculator articles down here in OC. So I can xerox
and post to you. Please send your snail mail address.
2 caveats: This is a 33 year copy made on a poor copier. None of the
photographs are going to be very legible. I have the original magazines in
the garage, but it could be 1-2 years before I dig them out.
And second, I'm flying up to Oregon in the morning. Won't be able to get to
this until next week.