Dear Al,
I also feel strongly about a single person handling
what goes up onto
my web site, and how it is organized.
I fully agree! That's why I've asked
for a controlled mechanism. Some
place in your realm where stuff can be put.
The basic idea is that there must be some kind of storage with some very
simple rules:
1. People drop stuff into individual locations (i.e. directories). Each
one can write to "his" space only.
2. People do not delete stuff from "their" incoming directory.
3. You pick up the stuff and sort it in - whenever you'll find the time.
4. You - and only you - delete stuff you've either uploaded or decided
to discard.
This would make it easier for all parties. That way questions like
"already picked up?" and other risks of that kind are prevented.
I personally could offer storage space for that purpose. Giving access
to you, me, and other people who have reason to participate. I have some
massively connected online space - but currently without backup. What
about that?
I'm not hopeful that things will calm down for me
until the new exhibit
is finished early next year.
Oh, exhibit... Have to go to my museum work.... :-)
BTW I'd like to have a software that helps me to easily add bookmarks to
pdf files produced by my Aficio...
Kind regards,