On Sun, 2005-07-24 at 03:39 -0700, Arron McLaughlin
The speccy was what got me started in computing.
Amazing little machines
for the price really - the C64 was probably better (at least graphics-
wise) but more expensive, and the BBC B was a real killer, but probably
twice the price of a speccy.
More than twice the price - IIRC the BBC Model B was ?399 and the ZX
Spectrum 48K was ?175.
I was listening to a thing on the radio a month or two back, where one of
the people they were interviewing said that the ZX Spectrum was the whole
reason for the massive computer games industry in Dundee. Why? Because
that's where the Timex factory where they made them was. So Spectrums
were very cheap, under the pub table. So everyone had one, and anyone
with a bit of ability got the chance to write on a good, well-supported