Alexandre Souza wrote:
"Nuts and
Volts" I think is the only construction magazine I have seen.
I think the turning point was when BYTE magazine started reviews of PC
clones rather having information than ALL computer systems was about the
time construction projects like computers or Ham radio really died.
That just left the simple projects like led flashers or PC printer port
I need nothing of that since I have the net. I can find any info I want
or any kind of circuit I may want, I cannot understand how magazines still
exist, in the common sense of the word! Maybe for ads, who knows? :o?
Ditto. I gave up all of my "trade magazine" subsriptions
years ago. The quality of the articles kept plummeting.
The columnists were alternately whining or ranting. And,
the tech info (ads, etc.) was obviously slanted towards those
advertisers who were willing to pony up the money for these
Its so much easier to do a search and get *all* of the vendors
of interest and make up your own mind (instead of relying on
someone pushing a particular vendor/product).