woodelf wrote:
Andrew Burton wrote:
> Wasn't the Dragons (Dragon 32 & Dragon 64) made by a Welsh company?
Yes, that's correct. Dragon Data, of Swansea.
That was a Color Computer clone from the UK is all I
Both the TRS-80 Color Computer and the Dragon-32 were derived from
the same Motorola application note for the 6883 SAM (Sequential
Address Multiplexer) chip. The SAM was very closely matched
to the 6847 video chip. Shame that the design was so poor that
the 6809E processor had to be run well below its rated speed.
The Color Computer and the Dragon-32 differ in the area of the
printer port. One is serial, the other parallel (I forget which
is which).
John Honniball
coredump at gifford.co.uk