What I use for storing my larger stuff (motherboards, drives, etc.) are Egg
boxes (not the ones that the actual eggs are in). Just go to your local
Giant Eagle (or whatever's local in your area). Ask them if they have any
empty egg boxes that you can use for storing stuff. They _should_ know what
you're talking about. They're pretty sturdy, and they usually have handles
in them. They'll usually give them to you for free, but I've found that it
helps to buy something from the store, then ask the cashier :)
Another thing that works _very_ well in damp areas are the wax-covered
cardboard 'crates' that they sell fruit and some vegetables from (If you
have a bulk store in your area). Those things are almost totally
waterproof, but they'll still get 'soggy when wet', but they won't rip
through as easily.
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318