As previously discussed in this list, and documented on , CGA monitors have circuitry to
change color index #6 to a different color. CGA also has a fourth
"intensity" pin. Does anyone know if some sort of specially-wired cable
might be able to convert 4-pin RGBI to something these kinds of
converters can take as input and everything will still look decently?
It's goign to take more than a cable. THere must be components involved.
I ask because I have a need to do video capture of native CGA output.
Don't ask :-)
If this is a real CGA card, there is most likely an NTSC-compatible
composoite colour output available too. It may be on an RCA phono socket
on the bracket (IBM had that), a header inside, or sometimes on pin 7
(otherwise unused) of the DE9 socket.
You might look at the IBM CGA card scheamtics. They include the circuit
to encode the RGBI signals to NTSC composite video.