On 5/9/07, Jason T <silent700 at gmail.com> wrote:
... I remembered when my high school
class took a trip down to the U of I at Champaign-Urbana for
"Engineering Open House" and I was sat in front of this monstrous
wooden terminal with beguiling orange vector graphics...
I first ran into Plato at Ohio State. There were two or three
terminals set up in one of the libraries.
So...who has one? What's become of the remaining
infrastructure? I
recently used a Windows Plato client to connect to some descendant of
the system, but I asssume even the back end was running on modern
hardware then, and not old Data General equipment.
I don't think there is much, if anything, of the original hardware in
friendly hands, but some of the application infrastructure has been
reproduced and is accessible through...
It's been at least a year, but I have gotten on from a Linux client
through a fairly tight firewall. The folks there can help you relive
some of your Plato experiences (in my case, it was the graphical
chemistry series that I really remember - fractional distillation of
mixed hydrocarbons and what not).