On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Richard wrote:
This is a nice idea! Feeds the disk images to your
Apple ][ by
hooking up your ipad/computer/etc. audio output to the cassette input.
Clever web distribution of an old idea! The application-centered one (which, I see, you
can download the Apple II side for on that site) is at:
Transfer is *much* faster over serial than over the cassette port, for obvious reasons,
but if you don't have a compliant serial card (ADT Pro only works with the Super
Serial card and derivatives, and all I have is an Apple Communications Card which maxes
out at 300 baud unless you mod it anyway), you're pretty much SOL.
The Apple II ethernet card (Uther) tends to be relatively hard to acquire. I'm almost
tempted to make one myself, but it'll have to go on the ever-longer queue...
- Dave