Jochen writes:
Well. Actually acetic acid is the acid in vinegar.
Most likely this
stuff is just pure acetic acid without any "flavor".
Remember: If you are going to dilute concentrated acid
_allways_ pour the acid into water. Never do it the other way around.
Another tip from the school of hard knocks: never sniff glacial acetic acid
to see what it smells like :-).
Rather pure acetic acid of varying concentrations
is sold in photography supply stores as stop bath or a hardener
add-in for fixer. Certainly pure enough for PC cleanup followed by a wash.
You want a concentration way way less than "glacial" (99.5% acetic
acid) but much more concentrated than the typical percent or two used
in stop bath working solutions. Get it with the indicator in it (most common
form for photography) and you'll know that you're done washing/rinsing
when it stops turning purple.