On 10/22/2012 08:25 PM, Zane H. Healy wrote:
At 5:03 PM -0700 10/22/12, mc68010 wrote:
Pretty sweet setup. I wish I was rich.
Wow! I'm not sure what it is, though I believe the LA75 is quite a
bit newer than the rest of it.
It is indeed a Vt180 and there is only half the story there. Vt100 was
the Vt180 board was Z80.
OS is CP/M V2.2.
The LA75 is about 1986 or about 5-6 years after the Vt180. It is newer
than the Vt180
though it will work well with it.
I have two of them one a genuine VT185 (VT100, VT125, V180).