Sorry for that. Your written English is quite good,
but I understand
that indirect and conditional expressions in English can be hard to
untangle, especially for non-native speakers/readers.
No matter, thanks for clarifying :)
I've gone back to my workshop and done the following.
1. Verifying the backplane, I have a H9273 in a BA-11N with a H786 PSU
(Not a serpentine )
2. Reseated the cards without spaces. Now it looks like this:
|--CPU--| (M8186)
|--MEM--| (M8044)
|--SLU--| (M8043)
|------BDV11-----| (M8012)
3.Checked the console cable pinout, it follows the description in my
"Microcomputer Interfaces Handbook"
4.Checked the jumpers on CPU, MEM and SLU board. I _think_ they are set
sanely (mostly default settings)
5.Swapped memory and SLU for spare cards.
6.Swapped CPU for an LSI-11 (M7270)
7.Tested two know good terminals(vt125 and vt320), with various baud
rates(although I know it is set to 9600)
8.Check voltages under load, on the BDV11. +5 is 5.06 and +12 is 12.11
9.Tested without BDV11 inserted.
Still, no output on the terminal (plugged into the console port, J3 far
left on the DLV11).
I'm somewhat confused about the BDV11 diagnostics. Under what conditions
are they run? If I start the machine (or reset it) with the halt switch
down all leads will be on, if I start (or reset) with the halt switch up
(enabled?) the leads will blink in a certain pattern and end up in the
"waiting for console input" state. I thought that starting with the halt
switch up would put me in ODT right away (given the boot mode configured
on the CPU card).
Phew, sorry for a lengthy post about such a simple machine, I would like
to get it going so I can motivate the floorspace it occupies :)
And thanks to all who answered on and off-list.
Kind Regards,