I feel like a fool ... I just can't get an RX01 drive
configured and attached in SIMH.
If I boot RT11 from a virtual RL02, and do .SH DEV,
the DX driver is listed as "Not installed".
On SY: is DX.SYS and DXX.SYS, and since RT11 answered
to the command ".set rx0 locked"
"?KMON-F-File not found SY:RXX.SYS", I copied DXX.SYS
to RXX.SYS ... and reboot of course.
When I enter ".set rx0 locked" the response is now
"?KMON-F-Invalid set parameter".
I break to SIMH and enter "att rx0 simrx01.dat" and the
SIMH response is
RX: creating new file
RX: buffering file in memory
When I continue, and enter .SH DEV, DX is "Not installed".
The CSR for DX is in SIMH 177174, the default 177170 is
assigned to DY. I know that both drivers normally have the
same CSR, I don't see a problem here.
So, how do I attached and access (!) a virtual RX01 floppy?
Has anybody used RX01 in SIMH before?
- Henk.
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