I still think it would be a useful project for
somebody to make a
HP-drive-emulator. Mot using a PC, but using a microntroller, HPIB
buffers, the minimal (if any) logic you need to handle HPIB, and a CF
card. Make it 'open( and I'll build several...
What does a HPIB buffer contains that cannot be reproduced with
digital/analog circuitry? :oO
Asbsolutely noting. In fact nothing that can't be reproduced with
analogue parts (Vonada's <n>th law : digital circuits are made from
analuge parts).
This is a buffer in the sense of 'signal amplifier' not 'area of RAM', of
The thing is that I suspoect (without reading the data sheets) that most
microcontrollers can't meet the HPIB spec on their port pins, you need to
put something between the port and the 24 pin microribbon connector.
Might as well be one of the chips designed for the purpose.
In any case I have an objection to linking an expensive (probably)
custom-programmed (certianly) part to an external connector that's going
to be linked to $deity-knows-what. Much easier to replace a buffer chip
if somethign goes wrong than replace the microocontroller and have to
program it again.