Andy Holt wrote:
I think the confusion here is between regulated power supplies (which are
the only true power supplies as far as many list members are concerned :-)
and unregulated - typically "plug-top"/"wall wart" items.
For the former what matters is that the voltage is correct, the current
available is at least that required, and (for some designs) that the load is
in range for the regulation to work properly.
For the latter, the nominal voltage is general only accurate if the current
drawn is close to the nominal current. For this sort drawing 500mA from a 2A
psu may well allow the voltage to rise significantly.
For your phone, however, it is likely something else has gone wrong as
phones that take a 12v psu typically can use a car battery which can go up
to 14v (at more current that you want to know about!)
Engineers that design such crap as in the later example should have
their arms and legs broken and thrown
into a cold, fast moving river. Regulators are pennies and what about
over/under line voltage?
Jim Davis. I smell a wampus!