Thanks! Actually, it's the sectors per track
setup that I
need. :-) I'll check the SC72 documentation tonight to see if I need
any other info. (oh, I'm sure I'll need device select configuration
info too..)
OK, here's a paraphrase of the information I have from the manual for the
2311/2312 drives
Switch SW1 at location E3 (on the CNAM PCB)
Positions 1-3 : drive select. Switch 1 = LSB, swtich on = logic 1.
Position 4 : Drive type. Off = 2311, On = 2312
Position 5 : Tag 4/5 Enable. On = Enale optional Tag 4 and Tag 5 functions
Position 6 : Sector mode. On = variable soft sector, off = hard sector
Position 7 : Write protect. On = Writing disabled.
Secotor count configuration switchs, SW2 (location A26) and SW3 (location
A24) of CNAM PCB. Each position represents a inary count of the byte
clock :
Sw2 position Value
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 8
5 16
6 32
7 64
SW3 position Value
1 128
2 256
3 512
4 1024
5 2048
6 4096
7 8192
To calculate setting from sectors per track :
1) Calculate number of bytes per sector = 20480/(sectors per track)
2) If the result is not an integer, round _up_ to next highest integer
3) Set SW2 and SW3 to number of bytes per sector (result of step 2) - 1
(to allow for counter reset clock). Switch ON if bit is a 1.
4) To determine how many bytes the last sector of each track will be
short, multiply (bytes per sector (from step 2)) by (sectors per track)
and subtract 20480.
OR for a given sector size :
1) Set switches for sector size -1 (to allow for the reset clock)
2) Calculate sectors/track (= 20480 / (bytes per sector))
3) If that is not an integer, round down to get actually secotrs per track.
4) Calculatr size of last sector = 20480 - (bytes per secotor) * (sectors
per track)
[That is a lot simpler than the procedure in the manual, but seems to
give the same results!]